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1961 Jan 31 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, on getting old and "decrepid," on puzzles kids sent to their grandfather, on lonesome Christmas but busy after New Year with everyone coming to watch Rose Parade on their color tv, brief visit by Bunk & daughter but couldn't see them to airport due to touring local churches which leads to talking of the chapel at Mundelein. Laments they "hardly hear from anyone except Harry + Justy + occasionally from Art, Irene or their daughter. Jerry + Charlotte we never hear from nor Edward or Margaret. Dolores doesn't write too often either but then she does call and have a real visit with us." On Bunk's new home in Dayton, his son in seminary, ironing to do.


1961 Feb 18 Edward by Edward Wachdorf Sr, after Irene had surgery (more details in letters that follow) detailing the care neighbor Ruth Kelly is taking, from house cleaning to massages, he & Larry eating TV dinners and doing the dishes, so "Everybody back there just relax and know all is being taken care of by us and neighbors. Just keep up and on the right side of our Maker and all will come out fine. Also will try and keep you posted of all latest developments, good and bad. You probably have heard the worst so from now on it's for the good--good--goodiest."


1961 Feb 25 Edward by Edward Wachdorf Sr on Irene's slow recovery after surgery, being tended by Ruth Kelly, "Commencing to look like most of her tribulations have gone with consistent prayers of her own and just innumerable  assistance from you all and true friends, not to mention Larry and I, who fervently knelt in the chapel at the hospital, praying to God to keep his arm around her so she would not slip while on the operating table...Never thought I would see our Mom so dejected and low in spirits as she was on the 2nd & third day and the disastrous day of the beginning, Feb 2nd...Now get this, she is even partaking of that ghastly stuff called water for drinking which she continually referred to as only good for bathing," Larry straining his arm patting himself on the back for his cooking, list of people to notify.


1961 Mar 22 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, "I am commencing to feel a lot stronger," Ruth Kelly from next door still doing their laundry, amazed how well Larry & Ed took care of themselves during hospitalization, Larry even learning to broil burgers and now gets his own breakfast, either frozen waffles or Alphabits (sugared kids' cereal).


1961 April Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, "I feel rather depressed at not feeling O.K. after all I had so far," got a "sigmoidoscopic examinaion," due for borium enema & x-rays of colon to find what might "cause me to be low in blood and also to lose weight..."


1961 May 2 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, "hope to start gaining weight instead of continually losing it. Am still showing blood but hope it will stop soon," visitor Louise Lift Pfleger (sister-in-law) helping too much, went with her to see Gold Star Mothers homes (some sort of retirement community?) and rhapsodized about the nicely appointed apartments for 39.50/month.


1961 Oct 25 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, "arrived home O.K. had a real nice plane trip...If we had known you were going to have the baby so son dad said he would have let me stay over another week or two--darn it anyway...wish Jerry + Harry + Dolores would put on a little weight. I have gained about a lb since we got back (now weigh 97 lbs)...although I still show blood," and comments on Jerry's oldest son & youngest daughter (an octopus), and on the heat wave in CA.