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From Harry Wachdorf to his sister


people mentioned:

his son, his wife Justy

his brother Art & wife Irene (nickname Renk) and their daughter's family

youngest daughter of his brother Ed & her new husband

his sister's husband Les

some names removed and substituted with relationships (in italics to show where it's done)

NOTE: reference to "the twins" is joke about his sister being pregnant again.





Dear Boop:


I really oughtn't to write to you cause you're a fink but I'm chicken so you win. I was real glad to hear you the other night and surprised about the twins--but not very much. After all, your [currently] youngest son is all grown up already. I didn't her a word from or about Les the other night + I apologize to him for being too busy to ask--although the minute I hung up I felt a bit sheepish about it for I then thought of it. Write us letting us in on some of your activities and those of your family. I'm sure there's lots of news from + about the kids--especially during summer.

    As I said, my son is working 15 hours a day 5 days a week at the Fair + 9 hours on Saturday + Sunday. His school tuition was raised from $600 to $2300 per yr + his scholarship only covers $1100. He's working to help with his tuition + believe me, we'll appreciate that.

    All is well with us + the Good Lord being willing, we'll have a fine time in Calif for 2 glorious weeks. Then we can compare notes + maybe even a picture or two. Write now, you rascal, and we'll keep you posted too.

    Art + Renk had 1 week + took it up in Canada. Their daughter's baby is chubby + cute--her husband's getting chubby too. Ed's youngest daughter moved to Arthur, ILL with her new dentist hubby--it's an old Amish town, horses + buggies.

Nuff now

Luvin kisses from me + the Mrs

Harry, Justina


to go to next letter, click here: 1968 Xmas card Larry