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handwritten by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf

neighbor Janet King and her children Sharon & Marsha

husband Edward Wachdorf Sr (dad)

son Larry

daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of son Ed Jr

Mary her chauffeur

Dolores' son B**

Chicago family physician Dr. Stucker


Lawndale, Jan 8 -58


Dear Dolores, Les and family:

    So very happy to hear from you as I really enjoy your letters so much that I read them over several times. We got such a bang out of hearing about your daughter and her visit to church. I can realize how embarrassed you were but you needn't have been because I've heard more than one youngster yell out in church. It makes me happy to know you take them to church with you.

    Now back to Halloween. I think it was most wonderful of Les's mother to come out and take the kids out for Trick or Treat, after all you had everyone else's kids at your house so why shouldn't yours have the same privilege of going out too. We had the same thing but here, mothers or fathers would bring around about a dozen kids at a time and wait until they would ring the bell and get their loot and then they would take them to the next house but about 9 o'clock everything was very quiet around here.

    I was really in earnest about answering all letters promptly after Xmas but with all the company we had and everything to put away and all I just couldn't get at writing. It was a very nice Xmas for us, everyone was so very wonderful to us, they came in for a visit and Janet even had Sharon + Marsha give me a lovely gift--4 good size Tupperware square bowls (that's a new one--square bowls) and Larry bought us a beautiful new sofa bed--like a Simmons with Maple wood arms and he also got me a brand new Sunbeam Mixmaster and he bought dad some Christian Bros wine as the Dr. out here told him he could drink a little and of course the gloves from you were lovely and so were the sox for dad and as to Larry's robe he wears it every Sat night after he takes his bath and then sits around here until about 11 o'clock in it and then takes off for bed so I know he likes it very much.

    He got me a bottle of White Shoulders perfume or cologne or whatever you call it and he got one for you too--but I don't know whether to send it to you or whether to wait until we got Chgo and then bring it in. Don't mention it to anyone else as he said you were someone special to him and wanted you to have it.

    Oh yes I got the new dress from Margaret and Dad got some nice winter underwear and a real nice shirt. From everyone else we got money and almost threw yours out as we didn't expect anything else from you--buying your new house  and all and even if it weren't for that the gloves and sox  were enough. I happened to take out the gloves to wear to Mass on Xmas when I found it, so dad said I better look in my sox too before it falls out if there is one in there too, so thanks a lot and God Bless all of you.

    Dad went to see the doctor about 2 wks ago as Dr. Stucker said he should and had more Xrays taken and everything is fine, says he feels much better now as the Dr gave him some pills to take and they seem to be helping him a lot. I think they are the same kind Dr. Stucker gave him in Chgo along with some other ones for his shortness of breath and they have helped him immensely. He is feeling so good now he is outdoors on his knees weeding almost all day or at least working in the garden. We are expecting it to start raining soon and Dad wants to have all the weeds pretty well cleaned up before it does start.

    I forgot to tell you  Mary my chauffeur gave me two beautiful nylon and linen covers one for my mixmaster and one for my toaster she and Moe were here and spent a whole evening during Xmas + New Years.

    Larry went to see the Rose Parade in Pasadena New Years Day. He left New Years Eve about 12:30 in the morning and rented himself a seat right at the curb. He also took some pictures there but doesn't think they took as his camera wasn't set right. He is having them developed but didn't get them back yet so let's hope they are good. Says he is going back again next year as it is really worth seeing and says he is going to make dad and I go with him.

    Well dearies we are all fine and hope this letter finds all the same. Tell me all out your Xmas and how the kids enjoyed it and especially the biggest one Les that is if B** got an electric train for Xmas. Well honey I'll say toodle oo for now as I can hear dad washing in the bathroom it's 10 o'clock you know so with loads of love and kisses I am as ever

your loving Mom


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