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July 2, 1949


My Dearest Nogoodnick:


        I thought you were going to write to me first this time, or I would have written sooner. How is life in the beeg sidy treating you? You must write and tell me what you do with all the free time I have found out you people who only work 8 hours a day have. Comes da revolution things will be different. I have just purchased a tennis racket & shoes to use up some of this luxurious time. Golf clubs will be next.

        Before I forget--happy fourth of July to you. I am cursed with a fate worse than death--I forgot my fire crackers up here. I can't imagine a July 4th without some fire crackers anyway. I, L.C., being of sound body and mind, do hereby bequeath you my fire crackers. They are in my top drawer at home.

        I am afraid I won't be home for a few weeks yet. About three or four more I guess. I hope that absence makes your heart grow fonder, as it is definitely effecting mine. Also I have drunk only a very little beer since I have been here, and it tastes decidedly better...

        Tonight John Victor and I are going to the "Beloit College Summer Theater" to see a play by Moliere. This "missive" as you might say is being written in great haste while John Victor takes a bath. His splashing is a great inspiration to me. John and I are going to Lake Lorrain next weekend--on a Swedish men's club picnic. You know--dancing girls and such. It will be a weekend affair.

        Well, John has just finished his bath, so I must be off. Write me when you have time. Bye.




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