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From Irene Pfleger Wachdorf to her daughter Dolores

People mentioned: only Dolores, her children, and the unnamed doctor



Lawndale Oct 25  67


Dear Ones:

    Thought I better write a few lines and let you know how much I enjoyed your letters because I always felt I had something nice to look forward to a letter from Dolores.

    I haven't been feeling too good of late so I'm going to the hospital for a general check up next week. Last Sunday I had quite a spell first my hand would get numb then maybe my foot or my leg or even my mouth and although it's better now I'm going to see what caused it anyway.

    I was just getting to try getting something to eat but it's a little too early so I thought of writing to you wasn't that nice of me hunh. How much I wish we weren't so far away from one another. I miss every one so much especially when I don't feel too extra good. Of course I only have a couple of months till I'm 80 and that's a pretty good ripe old age.

    Well darlings, I worry a little about the kiddies going out in the boat--do they go out on the ocean in it?

    Well dear ones I'm getting kid of hungry and our dinner is about ready so I'll just say toodle oo and God Bless you and all my love,




Will let you know as soon as I find out from the Dr. what caused the numbness its better now so don't worry say say a prayer



(Dolores wrote on envelope at unknown date: "brain scan left hand still numb"


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